Winstead public finance attorneys serve as general counsel and bond counsel to special districts providing water, sewer, drainage, roadway and transportation infrastructure for master-planned developments, commercial developments and mixed-use developments, including the following types of districts: Municipal utility districts (MUD), Municipal management districts (MMD), Freshwater supply districts (FWSD), Water control and improvement districts (WCID), and Other improvement districts.
Winstead Public Finance Attorneys
Ross Martin
Ross focuses his practice on public finance, special districts and public law. He serves as general counsel and bond counsel to special districts, including municipal utility districts, fresh water supply districts, special utility districts, municipal management districts, water control and improvement districts, and other improvement districts providing water, sewer, drainage, roadway and transportation infrastructure for master-planned developments, commercial developments and mixed-use developments.
Dan Martinez
Dan has served as bond counsel and underwriter’s counsel in tax exempt financings involving revenue and tax supported debt obligations for various public entities including cities, counties, special school districts, and colleges. Dan focuses his practice on all aspects of public finance and general corporate matters. He has served in a variety of roles on a number of financings for public entities throughout the state. He serves as bond counsel, underwriter’s counsel, disclosure counsel, and bank counsel in connection with public and private offerings of tax exempt and taxable bonds for school districts, counties, cities, institutions of higher education, and utility districts.
Sarah Landiak
Sarah’s practice focuses on the use of special districts and development incentives to aid in the development of master-planned communities. She has experience in all stages of entitlement transactions, including negotiating and drafting development agreements, forming special districts, and providing counsel through bond issuance stages.
Ryan Hafner
Ryan’s practice focuses on the negotiation of economic development incentives and the use of special districts (public improvement districts, municipal management districts, municipal utility districts, and tax increment reinvestment zones) to finance the development of master-planned residential and mixed-use communities. He has experience representing landowners on zoning requests, specific use permits, variance and special exception appeals, annexation requests, and approvals for historic buildings. He also advises clients on platting and subdivision regulations and dedications of rights-of-way and easements.
Matt McPhail
Matt’s practice is focused on public finance and local government law with an emphasis on representing water supply corporations, municipal utility districts, and other special districts as general counsel.
Taylor Elliott
Taylor Elliott focuses on the creation and management of special purpose districts across Texas, including municipal utility districts, fresh water supply districts, municipal management districts, water control and improvement districts, and other improvement districts providing water, sewer, drainage, roadway and transportation infrastructure for master-planned developments, commercial developments and mixed-use developments.
Jake Hockett
Jake Hocket is an associate in Winstead’s Public Finance Practice Group. He works on a range of public finance matters, such as financing transactions for cities, counties, universities, special districts, transportation entities, and school districts throughout Texas.